Saturday, August 26, 2017

Since my last post the house has not changed too much due to waiting on the cedar for the exterior, ceiling and bathroom walls. However, that doesn't mean no progress has been made.  I've been working on preparing the site.  Mostly planning the prep at this point but a few things have happened.

I have staked out the area so I could see how things are from that location.

Here is the sunset from my future decks....

Dialed 811 to have things marked.  The electrical should be installed in the next week or two. After that is the water and septic.

Had 2 trees removed that would threaten the house if they fell. 
Bought a mailbox to replace the current one.


I decided to get a pergola to provide shade over the decks that will go under the Panoramic windows and doors.  I found The Creative Handyman on Etsy, he made the one below, he will make it then deliver and install. 


I also found this type of fence that is exactly how I wanted mine.

I am looking at all the different vines to grow on my pergola and fence.  Here are a few I want to try:


And finally, I found someone to quote a stamped concrete patio for out back.

I am hoping for a delivery date in late October.  It is probably best I didn't have any idea of the scope of this project before I started but now I am having a great time!!!

Over the years…

 Been 7 years almost.  I was t old that I was loosing access because they were shutting down the blogspot.  I went on X for something and fo...